Browse Collections (6 total)

Famous Provenance

We have many books which have an impressive heritage, the most notable being Gen Washington's copy of Corbin's Code de Louis XIII, 1628. We have…

The Charles O'Conor Collection

Charles O’Conor, was a leading New York attorney with pronounced pro-Southern, pro-slavery views, who left the library $21,000, and the multi-volume…

The John Jay Collection

The New York Collection

We have an impressive New York Collection including items such as The Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, 1638-1674, the Duke of York's Laws…

Early American Statutes & Laws

This collection of Early American state statutes and laws includes original charters of the American colonies, original editions of colonial, state,…

Celebrated Trials


An historic collection of hundreds of trials for murder, high treason, impeachment, poisoning, piracy, and murder on the high seas which includes…